Friday, November 19, 2010

benvenido a casa!

he is home!

from a week long trip to guatemala.  he has brought back a lot of yummy coffee and one of a kind gifts.  like little beaded ponies, scarves, necklaces, a creepy monkey mask...and a cute little wooden train for bub.

tyler, bj and a handful of other men in camp ministry went to build homes for widows.  it's such an awesome opportunity to serve and to make those all important relationships with the local people.  God is doing great things in that mission field.  here are some of the awesome photos from the trip...enjoy!

hasta la proxima vez,

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo! I'm so excited you have a blog! I love them....and you are a great writer! These pics are precious...almost makes me tear up. I love those sweet Guatemalan babies.
